They had stopped at Gilmart before visiting us. I'm sensing a trend here. Anyone who visits us gets hooked on Gilmart and their European-style offering. You just can't beat the food there!
We had a wonderful visit. They got to chat with Mom and ask about her upcoming pacemaker procedure. It was nice that they spent time with her. I enjoy seeing how excited she gets when we have visitors. Mom's just so cute at times.
Speaking of pacemaker procedures, we haven't scheduled it yet, but are leaning towards Tuesday, August 3rd. Tooth pulled on Monday, August 2nd. I'll let you know once it's firm.
Bianka and I got to chatting about photos. Dave is a "documenting fool" when it comes to photos. I've always admired that. He takes lots of family photos during vacation and often shares in Christmas or birthday cards. It's a great way to stay connected when miles apart. I now really understand the importance of photos and staying connected. You never know when your current visit will be your last. Plus, the photo helps you to remember the feelings/love/circumstances of the event. I love photos!
Here's one from last night's visit. Enjoy!

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